Bloggish: Pork Store Killer
At Cosmodrome love our celebrities. We'll admit it. No shame in it.
But we especially love when actors that dip under the radar, only to return to us years later and make us proud. Like the joy we get whenever we see Max Casella, Vinnie of Doogie Howser fame, as a tough guy in The Sopranos. Welcome back, Max.
So imagine how surprised and pleased we were to hear this morning that never-even-on-the-radar Daniel Baldwin was picked up for some of the final episodes of the seemingly down-and-out actor's charity show, The Sopranos. Baldwin, the Staten Island of the Baldwins, best known for.... well, very little except for that story a friend of a friend told us about seeing him drunkenly piss himself in public a couple years back (hearsay, but juicy hearsay), will be playing himself in the final few episodes of the gangster show. Considering many stars of The Sopranos recent run-ins with the law, Daniel should fit right in.
In other news, New York Magazine one-ups GawkerStalker by publishing a fairly comprehensive and interactive map of where former and present celebrities live(d) in New York City. Included in the map is pretty much every cast member of the Sopranos, but sadly no Daniel Baldwin (Staten Island?). As for me, I now plan to haunt the corner of Leonard and Church Streets until Bob Vila fixes the broken handle on the cabinet in my kitchen. And he better not half-ass it. I know where the bastard lives.