"See ya later, Tobias Fünke!"

Here is the first leaked clip from the new Todd Haynes film "I'm Not There", about the life and times of Bob Dylan. This clip done in the style of the influential documentary Don't Look Back features David Cross as Allen Ginsberg and Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan. Yes, Cate Blanchett as Bob Fucking Dylan.

You know, there are probably a lot more people out there who think this is the role Cross was meant to play, rather than, say, Bob was the role Cate Blanchett was meant to play.

However, watching this you have to consider that if you're a full-blown Bobolator who has always harbored a secret fantasy to fuck your idol, chances are you are in heaven when Blanchett dons a scruffy wig and chunky black sunglasses.

I think that there is something novel about Haynes' choice beyond being fuel for the hype machine. It's a bold way of subverting the conventions of the biopic by casting
Heath Ledger, Richard Gere, Christian Bale, Ben Winshaw, and Marcus Carl Franklin (who??) all as Bob in his different "phases." I am so stoked for this movie, and so thankful that we are not being violated with another Ray or Ring of Fire.

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